The Best Recumbent Exercise Bikes…
We have reviewed the best recumbent exercise bikes and have narrowed down the list to our top 5 recommendations. Compared to other forms of fitness equipment available on the market, recumbent bikes have a lot to offer, even though the don’t always get the best rep. In this review article we are going to break down our 5 top picks of the exercise bikes in this category, we’ll do our best to describe them and show you the generally best place to buy them and the best prices in today’s market.
After reviewing our top 5 choices, we’ll talk about why you should consider purchasing a recumbent exercise bike, and what really determines what you should look for in a good one in terms of pricing and quality. Once we are finished, you’ll have a solid understanding of why a recumbent bike is one of the most recommended exercise bikes out there.
The Top 5 Best Recumbent Exercise Bikes Reviewed…
1. The Diamondback 510SR…

Recumbent exercise bikes are pretty simple generally and really have quite a bit of room for improvement when compared to a regular bike. The beauty of our number 1 choice of reviewed exercise bikes is that the Diamondback 510SR has made those improvements. As of the time of this review, it is one of the best in its market. When you scan over this bike it shows the detailed level of attention it was given in its design.
The frame of the Diamondback 510SR is a beauty in terms of stability, strength, support and its ergonomics. The thing also looks just flat out awesome. The seat is shaped and fitted very ergonomically, while also being completely adjustable and padded for comfort. Need a special fit?… it just about suits every body type.
The computer module and screen is probably the best thing about the Diamondback 510SR. We feel that it is so good because of the combination of the data it displays and how easy it is to understand and use. With only a few available buttons it is simple and we feel has intelligently designed navigation presets. There are 20 different workout programs one can choose from, starting with the basics up to some pretty challenging presets too.
This recumbent exercise bike is about as good as you can find on the market at this time. So, if your desire is a pro-style fitness and exercise bike, that will last for years to come – this is what we considered our number 1 choice.
2. The Nordic Track Commercial Vr21…

Nordic Track is a proven brand name and when people think of higher end equipment – people know it as a name they can trust – and for that reason it’s near the top of our list. The Nordic Track Commercial Vr21 shows us exactly why it’s a model of superior design and manufacture. From the moment one looks at it you can notice some stark differences from it vs. other models of recumbent exercise bikes.
When you first begin to inspect the features of the Nordic Track Commercial Vr21 you’ll notice the solidity and design of the frame. They have taken their same proven H frame design and added some punch to it. By optimizing the new design they’ve kept same trusted design while adding stability and support. As we move up, you notice a more body friendly seat design with a comfortable back rest that is mesh. Next to the power control module you’ll note a powerful yet simple display that shows all pertinent information – while still simple in spite of all the numerous functions.
3. The Schwinn 230…

As we enter the mid-priced range of recumbent exercise bikes we reviewed you’ll find we still have impressively designed models. The Schwinn 230 is one that makes an impressive stand. It’s almost as if it enters the range of the more elite models while maintaining great affordability. The very sturdy frame is complemented by a solid seat adjustment feature. Simply pull a lever and the seat will adjust to the rider’s comfort – no pin holes to struggle with.
The bike’s control module is impressive too – it has two displays as well as many buttons for different display features. Although the controls take a little learning curve you’ll find they end up being quite logical and simple in the end. With 22 different exercise plans and 20 levels of biking resistance built in it will more than satisfy every cyclists needs. It also features a usb port for your devices, speakers and a powerful fan to cool you down.
As always – Schwinn figured out a way to balance impressive performance, comfort, convenience and of course price. We consider the Schwinn 230 an absolute bang for the buck. Whether you’re investing in your first recumbent or just upgrading from a basic model – this is an excellent choice.
4. The Nautilus R614…

One of the most well known and loved brands in the world of exercise equipment is Nautilus. They have a reputation of being a very sound manufacturer, designer of great equipment and have excellent customer service. With that being said, they still are able to really dominate the mid-price range market – it’s really what they’re best known for. The Nautilus R614 represents a focused and functionally sound approach to recumbent bikes, and that will give you plenty of features for your investment.
First let’s start with the basics – the frame. The Nautilus R614 has a very sturdy and simple frame. They have stayed with a proven rail mount for their seat, which helps to give a reclined seat position regardless of one’s height. The seat itself is comfortable even though it lacks any real padding. This Nautilus uses an ergonomically shaped mesh composite which is comfy and helps to reduce soreness. The control module surprises one in its functionality. There are two displays, one that displays current moment info, while the second displays progress vs. presets and other similar settings. The controls seem a bit overboard – although still quite simple with 22 programs and 20 resistance levels.
You are sure to enjoy the competitive workouts with this machine daily. Generally speaking, Nautilus nailed the features one loves, with an affordable stylish machine. This is an impressive choice in our minds.
5. The Xterra SB2.5r…

Previously we talked about getting a bang for the buck with a choice so it’s only fair that we make you aware of what we think is the best choice in a recumbent in the mid-price range category. The Xterra SB2.5r is as good as it gets when you’re looking for quality and features in an affordable range. It addition to that, the Xterra SB2.5r also has some pretty amazing features that are often overlooked, but that we think are certainly important to consider.
It has a simple frame – it is modular while also still quite strong. The frame rear end houses some leveling sliders for modification is adjustment is desired. The most impressive feature of this exercise bike is its control module. It is certainly loaded with the desired features to satisfy every need while also having one of the smartest and easy to follow display screens. The display they’ve built has a dual color option – this helps you to easily see the display regardless of your natural light conditions in your home. You can see the screen easily without getting confused. It has a 22lb. flywheel, 24 power settings and 24 different workouts to keep you fit and engaged. This is one of the most ultimate bikes available.
What Sets Recumbent Exercise Bikes Apart…
It’s no surprise that recumbent styled bikes look nothing like a traditional upright bike as well as how they work while using them feels quite different too. However, once you get past the obvious differences, there is a whole world of features and benefits a recumbent bike offers that people love. We’re going to cover these specifics in a few moments, but before we do, let’s chat quick about why you may find using a recumbent much more beneficial that a standard upright exercise bike.
Traditionally most people rely on the old adage there’s no gain without pain… but with a recumbent, that doesn’t necessarily hold true. Progress in exercise will always take effort, but that doesn’t mean your entire body has to feel pain to get there. The fact that a recumbent exercise bike allows you to be seated while exercising adds tremendously to one’s overall physical comfort vs. traditional exercise bikes. While seated the angle your body is in takes tremendous pressure off other areas, while nearly perfectly isolating your legs to supply the effort. You can now exercise without putting additional strain on your back, spine and arms.
Additionally most of these bikes come with very nicely padded seats which are shaped to fit the body better and also provide lower lumbar relief. What does this mean for your workout?… Quite simply, you can exercise longer without tiring and experiencing unnecessary pain.
Have weak joints or old injuries from the past on your knees, back, shoulder or elbows?… Once again – this is where a recumbent really shines as it allows tons of pressure relief in these areas due to your body’s posture while working out. For some people this is just a cool value added proposition, while for others it’s an absolute must. So the bottom line is you can still get a great cardio and leg workout without the “rest of the pain”.
Let’s Discuss Budget and Pricing…
When it comes to purchasing any type of bike or exercise equipment one’s available budget is always a consideration. When it comes to a recumbent exercise bike – the budget is even more crucial. That being said we’ve broken down budget consideration into three categories – expensive, mid-range, and el-cheapo. As far as expensive and mid-range the major difference usually comes down to the point that there are computer operated models and manual ones. The el-cheapo category is in a class by itself.
So, let’s get into the el-cheapo quick and just lay it out for you. Basically in this category you’re just getting a sit down recumbent – no bells or whistles, lower seat comfort, all manual, no computer display or varying workout programs – just plain Jane. However – if all you want is basic occasional exercise on a bike that’s still way more comfortable than an upright one, then by all means check out some great ones here. When you go over to the computer controlled segment of the market (expensive and mid-range), you will realize that the potential of these bikes is way beyond the basic cheap manual models can offer.
The addition of a computer module to an exercise bike is a big benefit for several reasons. Probably the biggest factor comes down to the fact that a computer controlled resistance setting ability, makes these models easier and typically much smoother running vs. the el-cheapos that require a manual knob turn to set the resistance. When all you have to do is press a button – it just becomes a whole lot easier. Additionally, computer controlled models allow you to participate in preset workouts which make the experience much more fun, while also more physically rewarding as a workout. Finally the computer controlled models can track your time, calories burned, heart-rate and more.
The Bottom Line Decision…
With everything discussed at this point we really feel because of the features and benefits of the mid-priced and more expensive models, it is definitely still worthy of the investment as these models are far superior. You’ll love the comfort, fit, simplicity, and ultimately be glad you paid a little more for the BIG value difference you gain.
Once you get your investment together – based on design, look, comfort of ride, stability and strength of manufacture, and amazing benefits of the control module, the Diamondback 510 SR is number one in our minds and hearts. It truly has everything you’ll ever want and at the end of the day will be the best money you’ve ever invested in your health and happiness.